La Lagoped Family


Ici, Lagoped donne la parole à ses meilleurs ambassadeurs : ceux qui vivent au plus près des sommets, sur les océans ou le long de vos sentiers de randonnée préférés. Ceux qui choisissent de porter nos produits pour respecter la Nature.

En piste !

Keeper of the Drayères Refuge

Anne Debeaune

Welcome to the Refuge des Drayères! The guards Anne & Boris, Ski Instructors and High Mountain Guide, welcome you.The Drayères refuge, an ideal base camp (altitude: 2180m) is located at the intersection of three important routes: to the south the Clarée valley, to the northwest the Rochilles ...

Wildlife film director

Baptiste Deturche 🇫🇷

Born and living in the Alps, I am a director, camera operator and editor of wildlife and nature films. After a university course in biology ecology I joined IFFCAM, the animal cinema school. I learned my skills there and at the end of this training I produced the editing and images of several fil...

Photographe & Vidéaste

Charlotte Martin 🇫🇷

Ancienne traileuse, la montagne a été une source d’apaisement pour Charlotte et lui a permis d’avoir une approche différente du sport. Après un long combat contre l’anorexie, elle arrête la compétition et découvre d’autres sports : alpinisme, parapente, ski et escalade. Ces sports lui permettent ...

Nature sports project manager

Christelle Bakhache 🇫🇷

Christelle is in charge of the nature sports mission for Asters, the conservatory of natural spaces in Haute-Savoie. She works on reconciling sporting practices and protecting the department's natural spaces. She has been a member of the Lagoped Family for several years.

Mid-mountain guide

Corentin Esmieu 🇫🇷

I am originally from Briançon and have always been passionate about mountains. The quest for a mythical animal quickly occupied all my free time. The wolf. My book “Wolf, a pack life in the Ecrins” won the Passy World Mountain Image Book Prize in 2020. As a professional wildlife photographer and ...

Mountaineer and journalist

Eliott Nicot 🇫🇷

Eliott Nicot joined the Lagoped Family during the writing of his film Désescalation, for which Lagoped is a partner.A military guide graduated from the EMHM in Chamonix, Eliott works as a journalist, videographer and photographer. Founder of a mountain film festival, he is passionate about mounta...

Photographer & Director

Julien Geay 🇫🇷

Julien Geay is a photographer and videographer, and passionate about mountaineering. He accompanies Lagoped during mountain events and contributes to numerous photos.

Wild/Polar Adventure Guide

Lucien Chaillot 🇫🇷

"I have always been in contact with nature. I had the chance to travel a lot during my childhood, particularly in very harsh territories. In the Jura, I trained in the management and protection of nature, and I acquired a solid ecological background, I obtained my Mountain Guide and Rescue T...


Manon & Marion 🇫🇷

We are Marion and Manon, two friends based in Annecy. Passionate about mountains, travel and adventure. We are both physiotherapists, Manon is also a mountain guide. Our women’s rope team doesn’t often go unnoticed. Spontaneity, determination, good humor in all situations are the strengths of our...


Martial Carbonnaux 🇫🇷

Martial, a great mountain and outdoor sports enthusiast, has been part of the Lagoped Family for more than three years now.His goal ? Climb the 82 peaks over 4000m in the Alps in order to raise funds For the Envol association which organizes adapted stays for seriously ill children.Meeting with t...

Professional highlighter

Nathan Paulin 🇫🇷

Nathan Paulin is a highliner, a modern tightrope walker, born in 1994 and living in the village of Reposoir in Haute-Savoie.Passionate about mountains since a young age, he started slacklining in 2011. Finding true inner peace in this activity combining intense concentration and body control, his...


Nicolas Plain 🇫🇷

Nicolas est un scientifique et pilote de parapente passionné par les sujets climat et biodiversité ! Il communique sur les travaux dans ces domaines et trouve / diffuse des solutions citoyennes concrètes et locales pour créer un monde plus durable et plus juste !Pour cela, il utilise son parapent...


Olivier Fichou 🇫🇷

Olivier began taking photos in 2015 during an expedition to the Arctic. Winner of international expedition grants and surrounded by multiple sponsors and partners, he sets out to open glacial routes with, for the first time, a reflex camera in his backpack. He won't come out anymore. After do...

Freerider et aspirant guide

Pilou Cret 🇫🇷

Pilou is one of the young hopefuls of the Lagoped Family. At only 24 years old, he is preparing to become a guide and participated in the writing of a mountain film: La Grave BB.

Tracker Rescuer

Quentin Bochu 🇫🇷

Quentin is a skier and rescue skier based in the Maurienne valley. A member of the Lagoped Family for several years, he shares his outings with the brand and is always ready to test the Lagoped prototypes on the slopes of the valley.

Mountaineer & High Mountain Guide

Tiphaine Dupérier 🇫🇷

Originally from the Massif des Bauges, it has been around ten years since I migrated to Tarentaise. For good reason, I am a Rescue Tracker in Val d'Isère. Skiing therefore takes up a large part of my time. After being able to be a member of the National Mountaineering Excellence Group, I purs...

Médecin & aspirant guide

Vivien Brenckmann 🇫🇷

Médecin urgentiste, Vivien travaille au CHU de Grenoble, au Secours en Montagne de l’Isère et médicalise régulièrement des expéditions que ce soit en déplacement ou en tant que référent à distance.