Baptiste Deturche 🇫🇷

Wildlife film director

Born and living in the Alps, I am a director, camera operator and editor of wildlife and nature films. After a university course in biology ecology I joined IFFCAM, the animal cinema school. I learned my skills there and at the end of this training I produced the editing and images of several films in the mountains of France, Italy and Romania.



Why did you become a wildlife filmmaker?

Passionate about nature and images, I make it a point of honor to show nature to as many people as possible to make it known, loved and protected. I am very involved in raising awareness among young people by showing my films to schools.
Wildlife film is the way I found to share my passion for the wild and participate in its preservation!


What were your animal film projects?

In 2019 I made my film “Fjellrev, the Scandinavian Quest” about the rare polar fox of Scandinavia. In 2022 I prepared a new film, more local to talk about mountain galliformes*, these exceptional and endangered mountain birds. Released in January 2023 andteaser to be found here.

*Mountain Galliformes: Alpine Ptarmigan, Bartavel Partridge, Capercaillie, Black Grouse, Grouse

Can you tell us about your film Le Pari?

I hope, through this film, to take the viewer into the field. Help him discover what he doesn't know, make him take the time to observe discreet wildlife and inform him of the fragility of these species and the spaces where they live.

This 53-minute film was shot in the French mountains and more precisely in the Alps and the Pyrenees.The story begins in an alpine chalet, where two nature enthusiasts took on the challenge of making this film in one year, showing the 5 species of mountain galliformes and carrying a message of knowledge accessible to as many people as possible.

Séance de rattrapage

Pourquoi être chez Lagoped ?

Je l’ai dit, je suis chauvin, alors autant vous dire que si je peux m’équiper et faire tourner des activités nées dans le coin je le fais !

En plus la ligne directrice de Lagoped me plait et entre en résonnance avec ma vision des choses.

Enfin, dans le cadre mon travail j’ai besoin de matériel bien spécifique, ma spécialisation dans l’image animalière de montagne ou du nord me mène à me retrouver dans des conditions où un matériel de qualité est nécessaire.

Lagoped rempli toutes les cases. Je suis fier de faire parti de cette famille.

Pour finir, en ce mois de juillet 2024, les projets a venir sont deux films sur deux loup différents. Et un des films sera même en collaboration avec un autre membre de la lagoped familly : Corentin Esmieu.

Pour le reste, c’et finir de faire vivre mon film Le Pari et commencer à réfléchir à un projet peut être un peu trop ambitieux pour moi pour le moment 🤣
