Up there, the air seems so pure, the snow so bright, the speed completely exhilarating, the sensations incomparable. Because Lagoped is designed by mountain enthusiasts and professionals, we understand better than anyone the precise technical needs for skiing or snowboarding. And we know - obviously - the urgent need to protect this space for decades to come. Here, Lagoped gives the floor to its best ambassadors: those who live closest to the summits. Those who choose to wear our products to respect the summits. On track !
The portraits

Charlotte Martin & Nicolas Plain - Paragliders
Charlotte is a great adventurer both personally and professionally, who challenges herself to achieve her dreams and be in accordanc...

Guillaume Rolland - Paraglider
I was born in 1984 near Grenoble, but it was in Guadeloupe that I grew up until I was 18 before returning to mainland France for m...

Damien Lacaze - Paragliding instructor
Other stories & portraits