François Poncet - High mountain guide

Originally from Marseille, passionate about climbing since a young age, I quickly wanted to get closer to the high mountains and share my taste for the great outdoors.
For more than 20 years, I have acquired extensive experience in practicing and supervising activities as diverse as mountaineering, climbing, ice climbing, ski touring and even canyoning.
I have thus covered a large number of summits, glaciers, rivers and walls of France before setting out to conquer more distant lands. The opening of two mixed routes in Patagonia, “Le Cerro Murallon” in 2012 and the latest “Le San Lorenzo” in 2018, are among my most notable achievements.
Driving and experiencing such expeditions has become a real quest for me. Getting out of my comfort zone, sharing these unique and privileged moments constitutes in some ways an ideal.
The cold, the uncomfortable bivouacs, the long approach walks that we sometimes experience in the mountains are quickly forgotten in favor of beautiful memories of sharing and complicity.
Today, I offer personalized outdoor activities, adapted to everyone's desires and level. The strong idea that emerges is to support personal development in the great outdoors, to "grow up" from a beautiful mountaineering race or to keep fond memories of the sunset during a long route in the Calanques of Marseille.