Vivien Brenckmann - Doctor and Aspiring Guide

Passion, Commitment and Work,

Here is probably a triplet for anyone who could describe me and that I find at Lagoped and his team.

My career is relatively busy and leads me to wear 3 different but complementary hats which put together form a pretty hat.

An emergency doctor, I work at the Grenoble University Hospital, at the Isère Mountain Rescue and I regularly provide medical care for expeditions, whether on the move or as a remote referent.

I also think that medicine involves education and teaching, which is why I give courses and do first aid training.

I also have a background as a researcher and completed a Science Thesis (PhD) specializing in technological innovation at the University of Grenoble. I continue research, mainly in the field of health.

Sporty, rarely tired, I like outdoor activities. I am more oriented towards the mountains (mainly skiing and climbing) and am currently training at ENSA (National School of Skiing and Mountaineering) to become a Guide.

Coming from a family more oriented towards maritime activities, I also like sailing and diving, which I practiced quite actively.

For all these activities, Lagoped offers me solid support, quality equipment with values ​​that are dear to me.