Getaway to Mont Charvin

Written by: Olivier Fichou



Time to read 0 min

In February 2024, Olivier Fichou, member of the Lagoped Family, treats himself to a getaway with friends on Mont Charvin. He shares his photos and memories with us.

Mont Charvin Olivier Fichou lagoped mountaineering

Mont CHarvin Olivier Fichou mountaineering Lagoped

Visually, it is impossible to miss Mont Charvin which dominates the Albertville valley and its surroundings. So after almost 10 years of passing this Dhaulagiri des Aravis almost daily, it was more than time to go visit its summit!

This will be the edge of the Lake. A beautiful itinerary, logical, aesthetic and easy: everything we need to enjoy a beautiful day without straining.

After 2 hours of skiing, a cup of tea, and a few nuts, we swap our skis and poles for a pair of crampons and an ice axe. We quickly place our 10 points on the ridge itself and the scenery gradually opens up behind us.

Mont charvin olivier fichou mountaineering lagoped

The Mont-Blanc massif, haughty, stares at us in the distance. He can play smart and put on his superior air, no matter, there is everything we need at Charvin to make us happy. And what's more, seen from here it's not that big.

A beautiful route on a beautiful mountain, and especially not far. What more ?

Mont charvin olivier fichou mountaineering lagoped
Mont charvin olivier fichou mountaineering lagoped