Lagoped publishes its French eco-score on its entire collection

Written by: Enora Gelot



Time to read 6 min

Lagoped publishes the French eco-score on all of its products

No less than 5 days after the presentation of the new French eco-score by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, on April 3, 2024, Lagoped had already published all of the “ecobalyse” scores on all of its products online . Let's return to this new French environmental display intended for textile products and the commitment of the Lagoped brand to transparency and complete traceability of its products.

The issue of environmental rating on textiles

The eco-score, at the heart of current environmental concerns, is positioned as a crucial pillar in the evaluation of the ecological performance of textile products. For Lagoped, the adoption of environmental display represents much more than a simple commercial approach. Indeed, this initiative aims to guarantee the ecological effectiveness of the brand's production methods while ensuring transparent and accessible communication to consumers regarding the environmental performance of its products.

This major project, which has already been underway for a year and a half, is part of a transversal approach requiring a rigorous methodological framework as well as a reliable and verifiable database.

By promoting informed and responsible consumption, this eco-score presents itself as a confidence tool, allowing customers to direct their choices towards virtuous products . However, for this approach to be truly effective, it is imperative to ensure comparability between brands and products, thus requiring the establishment of a common database shared by all manufacturers. In this sense, the textile industry is offered a unique opportunity to rethink its production practices, placing traceability and transparency at the heart of its operation .

lagoped eco-score
lagoped eco-score

The French textile industry must mobilize

The French textile industry faces a pressing need for reform, faced with figures that point to its devastating impact on the environment. With no less than 3.3 billion textile items sold on the French market in 2022 , the ecological consequences of this industry are alarming. Indeed, according to data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition dating from 2023, this industry generates a quantity of greenhouse gases exceeding that combined of international flights and maritime traffic, in addition to consuming 4% of the world's drinking water. .

The eco-score, presented at the beginning of April 2024 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition in collaboration with ADEME, is emerging as an urgent response to these environmental challenges. Called “Ecobalyse”, this new calculation tool is based on the European Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), enriched with additional criteria for a more complete assessment . French industries, brands and associations are therefore invited to contribute to this approach before its implementation planned for the fall, and its possible making compulsory from 2025. The objective is twofold: to inform and raise awareness among consumers about the environmental impact of their purchases, while encouraging a transition towards more sustainable practices, in particular by penalizing “fast fashion” brands.

Despite progress, challenges remain regarding the implementation of the eco-score . The complexity of value chain traceability makes environmental labeling difficult to obtain for many brands, while the textile industry remains largely fragmented and international. However, pioneering brands, including Lagoped, have already integrated this approach, displaying total transparency towards their customers.

This nevertheless raises questions about the valorization of recycled materials and the need for an evaluation system that is more understandable for consumers, like the European eco-score with a display similar to the nutri-score. In short, the eco-score represents a crucial step towards a more responsible textile industry, but its effective deployment requires close collaboration between players in the sector and adaptation to realities on the ground.

Lagoped eco-score
Communication campaign on the eco-score by Lagoped
Lagoped eco-score
Communication campaign on the eco-score by Lagoped

Lagoped, the first French textile brand to publish its eco-score

Peftrust, reveals the eco-score of textile brands

Lagoped, concerned about its ecological footprint, has taken a giant step towards transparency in partnership with Peftrust to make the eco-score of its products available on its site . This strategic collaboration is based on the rigorous life cycle analysis method implemented by Peftrust. We would like to express our deep gratitude to Peftrust for this innovative and beneficial initiative for the textile industry .

Peftrust, a SaaS software platform specializing in fashion, outdoor and home goods, stands out for its ability to verify and analyze product data in the textile industry, providing an environmental score in compliance with PEF standards established by AFNOR. PEF, an acronym for Product Environmental Footprint, is a European regulation that guides the assessment of the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle .

This platform, upstream, collects the data provided by the brand and its suppliers, cross-references it with an exhaustive database on textile products, then analyzes it in light of specific impact factors. Thus, it assigns products an eco-score in accordance with the requirements of the European PEF regulation. However, data quality is a crucial issue in this process. It is imperative that data is structured and that communication processes between suppliers and customers are fluid and automated in order to ensure a reliable and credible score for all stakeholders. Through this partnership with Peftrust, Lagoped is committed to providing transparent and reliable information to its customers, thus helping them make informed and responsible choices.

The eco-score of the EVE jacket

The EVE jacket is a historic product in the Lagoped wardrobe, because it has been renewed every year since 2018, and in several colors. For example, to calculate the eco-score of our waterproof jacket, it is necessary to know the impact of its production on climate change, such as water consumption or land use, as well as its composition. According to the Peftrust method, the eco-score is also calculated from the traceability of the materials and each of the manufacturing stages (spinning, weaving, dyeing, and making). It also takes into account the impact on human health, natural resources, and the ecosystem.

The European score and the French score can be calculated from all of this information and compared with the impact of a reference product.

Thus, the European eco-score of the EVE jacket is 2389 points, compared to a score of 12,251 points for a reference jacket. As for the French eco-score, the score is significantly higher, 2824 points.

eco-score eve lagoped jacket

A communication campaign on the textile eco-score

Lagoped is deploying a communication campaign on its social networks, highlighting the importance of the eco-score in the textile industry. This initiative has several strategic objectives, including distinguishing itself from its competitors by affirming its commitment to traceability and transparency. Lagoped also wants to democratize the use of the eco-score in the textile field, emphasizing that knowing the environmental impact of what you wear should be as obvious as knowing what you eat .

As a pioneer in this field, Lagoped proudly positions itself as the first brand to publish its eco-score, in accordance with the European Commission (PEF) methodology , thus strengthening its reputation as a transparent and responsible brand. This campaign is based on strong arguments, recalling that the textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world, with 90% of its environmental impacts concentrated in the sourcing phase of raw materials. Lagoped insists that its clothing is made from recycled materials and is produced in Europe, thus adopting a sustainable and ethical approach that breaks with the traditional logic of extracting natural resources. By highlighting these elements, Lagoped encourages collective awareness of the importance of knowing the origin and ecological impact of our clothing, while encouraging other players in the industry to follow its example for more fashion. responsible.

fleece mountaineering man lagoped
fleece mountaineering man lagoped

A little historical reminder of the eco-score with Lagoped

December 2021 - The European Commission adopts a recommendation on the use of environmental footprint methods.

March 2023 - Lagoped becomes the first French textile company to have published its eco-score for all of its products according to the European Commission method.

April 2024 - The French Ministry of Ecological Transition presents its new eco-score, built with ADEME.

April 2024 - Lagoped becomes the first French textile brand to publish the eco-score of its products according to the method of the Ministry of Ecological Transition