Dressing in 3 layers, the ultimate guide

Written by: Enora Gelot



Time to read 1 min

In the mountains or in the forest, on the trails or on the oceans, it is essential to find the right equipment to enjoy the magic that Nature offers us and not worry about the temperature or weather conditions. This is why, at Lagoped, we decided to create a wardrobe for outdoor enthusiasts who are looking for essential, versatile and above all durable products. This wardrobe is divided into three main collections: the first, second and third layers. By respecting the three-layer or layering system of our Anglo-Saxon neighbors, we help our customers choose their products and equip themselves well.

What layers of clothing should you wear in winter or summer, when skiing or hiking? What materials should you choose to ensure breathability, insulation and protection? We answer all your questions in this comprehensive guide.

Why equip yourself with three layers?

Layering is an asset to play with the climatic elements and the intensity of the activities practiced. It is thus practical to remove or add a thickness during an outing in Nature, and each layer plays an essential role in the comfort and protection of the practitioner.

On foot, on skis or by boat, comfort comes through:

  • good breathability , this is the role of the first layer,
  • a well-regulated temperature , the second layer is there for that,
  • and finally , flawless protection against climatic conditions , this is where the third layer comes in.

Did you know? The ptarmigan - our totem animal - changes its plumage according to the seasons. It turns white in winter to escape predators and increases the plumage of its feathers to avoid cold snaps. A daily inspiration for the Lagoped brand!

The three layers with Lagoped

First layer, the base

The first layer is the basic element of the wardrobe of outdoor enthusiasts or athletes in general. It is the garment that will allow the moisture from the perspiration produced by the body to be evacuated during exercise, regardless of the intensity. More precisely, this layer's mission is to circulate air through the fabric, thus helping to stay cool and dry, we then say that the garment is breathable. The risk of an unsuitable first layer is to feel damp, catch cold or have a feeling of discomfort. This risk is all the more important during treks or adventures lasting several days, if the material is not breathable, the garment will dry poorly and the expedition could quickly become a bad memory.